Monday, April 11, 2011

Let's Try This Again

After numerous requests, I have put another blog on-line.  The old blog (Blog O'Luke v1.0) got hacked and spammed almost to death, and I made the hard decision to set it free on a farm out in the country.  At least, that's what I told my daughter.  No sense in getting into the gory details.

As before, this version will include postings from recent sessions, musings about photography, and much sharing from my out-of-the box thinking about photographic equipment. 

As many of you know, my peers have anointed me "MacGyver", and I have been speaking to professional photographers all over about getting great results with equipment they already have, or by making inexpensive versions of very expensive equipment...which often prompts the question: "How the &@^#%$ did you think of that?"  MacGyver's Corner will provide photographers with a little insight into the sometimes scary recesses of my brain and provide "how-to" tutorials and share my upcoming speaking engagements.

So, let's strap it on and have some fun.

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